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A Room of Her Own
Sat, Jul 19 2008
Heat of the Night
Mood:  lazy
Topic: random
Hot. Another reason the South sucks. I want to move somewhere that has snow.

Posted by mary at 11:23 PM EDT
Tue, Jul 15 2008
Personal Security
Mood:  not sure
Topic: random

Ever since the ‘non-happening,’ I’ve been paranoid about personal security. I’ve reconsidered beeping my horn at folks, taking a kind of “turn the other cheek” approach instead. Maybe I’ve been abusing my car horn. Now, in that situation, I was in the right, but as I’ve learned over the years and Rahim is quick to remind me, “right” doesn’t count for much in the real world.

So, should I be looking into where to buy mace and pepper spray? I used to carry pepper spray whenever I went walking, but that was before we had dogs. As if my little chi babies would protect me from the rapist behind the bushes or the loose pit bull. I met a girl once who was mauled by a big dog, I think a pit bull. They get an unfair rap, so I don’t want to assume, just because I can’t remember. It could have been a Labrador for all I know. Anyway, he tore a big chunk out of her leg, and she was just jogging by. He was on a leash but the woman walking him couldn’t contain or control him.

In the babysitter’s neighborhood, I often see women walking around with sticks. Actually, they all carry sticks. It’s mostly for the loose and stray dogs, but that says something about the neighborhood too. Why so many mean dogs getting loose? But then again, Rahim has encountered a few loose (aggressive, not mean) dogs in our neighborhood too. My dogs will bark, but if you put your hand down to pet them and say something nice to them, they’ll generally wag their tales and jump up on your legs to be petted. My landlord actually chucked his shoe at them once and I was on the verge of throwing one back at him. The nerve! Another reason to move.

But I digress. Nowadays, you don’t even have to carry a stick. You can carry something like “covert” pepper spray that comes in a ring – yes, jewelry – that can shoot your would-be assailant. I really like that idea. Does pepper spray work on a dog? I wonder.

Posted by mary at 2:13 PM EDT
Mood:  not sure
Topic: random
My friend Heather reminded me to attend the Black Arts Festival, which happens annually in Atlanta, including dance, theatre, films, art, and talks. I've attended several times in the past, since I started living here. The most memorable event was going to see Paul Robeson Jr. I really adore his father and his strides in the arts.

A lot of positive events this year that sound exciting - Cornel West, Alice Walker, and a production of The Color Purple. I look forward to some good documentaries too.

Posted by mary at 11:30 AM EDT
Fri, Jul 11 2008
Commercial Break
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: random

You know you're famous when you design your own eyeglass frames. But who's Gloria Vanderbuilt? I wonder how I would look with some new eyeglass frames from ZenniOptical.com. I saw Zenni on Fox News. I'm so used to paying at least a hundred for frames and lenses, nearly every two years, so I paid attention. On their website, they offer complete eyeglasses (single vision) for $8. Browsing through their selections, I found the perfect pair of retro looking plastic frames. I need plastic frames versus metal or wire frames - the nosepads pinch my nose. Then in their higher priced categories (still only $19), I saw the retro Run DMC style glasses Rahim has been "eyeing." Not that he needs prescription glasses. They would just be for style. Well, the next time Ernesto or Big Mama chews up my glasses, I'll definitely check out discount sites like this one.


Posted by mary at 4:31 PM EDT
Updated: Tue, Jul 15 2008 6:45 PM EDT
Thu, Jul 10 2008
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: random

My birthday is in a few days. I don't know how I feel about it yet.

I hope Rahim remembers to get the ice cream cake I hinted about. Well, my hint was more like, "I'd really like an ice cream cake for my birthday." Kind of like the way I hinted at a potential gift - "Man, I wish I could get a new sewing machine." Of course, then there's the tattoo that I want.

Other than that, I am thinking about my mortality. I want to live a long life. Thirty one years isn't quite that old. I wish I had done a few things differently, but overall, I just want to make the best of the time I have now.

Okay, an extended birthday post is coming. This was just a little musing.

Posted by mary at 9:36 PM EDT
Wed, Jul 9 2008
A Non-Happening
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: random

I was taking a shortcut through our old neighborhood after stopping at Sprawlmart, winding my way through the small streets of our quiet neighborhood. On one of the one-way, tiny streets bordering a small green space, a car pulled out from a driveway right in front of me. The driver was on his cell phone and hardly glanced my way before turning. I tapped my horn and not even half a beep sounded.  At the end of the street, he was poised to turn one way and I was poised to turn the other.

Then a funny thing happened. I turned and he was behind me. I turned a block later and so did he. I continued down my dead end street, considering my options. I should have turned into a roundabout, to evade the stalker, but ended up driving to my apartment complex. I didn't park in my usual spot, but parked where there were cars on either side. The stalker parked a couple spots over. I waited. He waited. Time passed.

I couldn't just go on sitting there forever, so I backed up and reparked closer to my door. I waited again, feeling a surge of motherly instincts. Was I just being paranoid? I watched for any movement in the other car. The man appeared to still be on his cell phone.  Another minute passed and he disappeared as quickly as he came.

Now, you don't have to have glasses from zennioptical.com to see this as odd behavior. You never know these days. I regret having even driven close to my house; I should have driven to the always teeming restaurants just two blocks away. Rahim is always warning me about strangers hiding behind bushes. Have his random daydreams rubbed off on me?

Well, I have a trunk full from Sprawlmart - baby formula, toilet paper, ice tea - but I'm going to wait for my husband to come home.

Posted by mary at 6:54 PM EDT
Updated: Wed, Jul 9 2008 10:09 PM EDT
Tue, Jul 8 2008
Mood:  lucky
Topic: random

One of new favorite shows is I Survived a Japanese Game Show. It is too hilarious. I can appreciate the craziness of Japanese culture, which does parallel American society in some ways. Americans have their own issues. Oh, I wish I had enough miles on my Airline Miles Credit Card to go to Japan.  I'm sure you've all seen the movie Lost in Translation. Hopefully, R and I wouldn't be so lonely there.

Posted by mary at 9:36 PM EDT
Sat, Jul 5 2008
In Local News
Topic: random
A boy was recently killed at Six Flags Atlanta. Read the story. He climbed over 2 fences and passed many warning signs, before ultimately being hit by a roller coaster. The details are too horrible to write about. My heart really goes out to the child's family. They were visiting from South Carolina, with a church group. I'm glad my summer camp is not going to this amusement park this summer. Last summer, at a Six Flags in Kentucky, a freak accident on one of the rides severed a young girl's feet.

Some people don't like to watch the news. They say it's too negative. A coworker of mine hadn't even heard of the boy dying at Six Flags. Working with children and being a social studies teacher, isn’t the news a bit relevant? I guess some people's version of local is a very small world after all.

On a different note, here’s some good news. About 150 dogs, including 40 pure breeds, were rescued from a puppy mill and brought to the Atlanta Humane Society. . Hundreds of people, hearing the news, lined up to adopt them. The dogs won't be available until early next week, but I'm sure all of them will be able to find their forever homes!

Posted by mary at 11:03 AM EDT
Fri, Jul 4 2008
Bling Baby
Mood:  lazy
Topic: random









(These are my attempts at capturing the inner bling gnome!)

I admit to wasting plenty of time on computer games. I'm not talking about playstation or nintendo wii. Though, I've spent hours playing Super Mario Bros in my day. It all started with the ancient Commodore 64 we used to have. We soon upgraded to an Intellivision machine. Our first family computer was the Tandy 1000. Man, the hours I spent on there! I really shouldn’t pay for online games, though, because I go through phases where I play them all day and then forget about them. It’s so cool that so many games have free downloads and free game play online. Sometimes the games are limited unless you pay, but I either lose interest or I fork over ten or twenty dollars.

I stumbled upon dungeonrunners.com, a new MMO game, and their Bling Gnome. The graphics are interesting and the game itself action packed. The weird little bling gnome says three “hip hop” phrases – word, your mama, and yeah, boy – and finds gold that will help you in the game. The bling gnomes obviously are adorned with various "bling" items - gold teeth, assorted jewelry, and more. They are not the gnomes from Tolkein's The Hobbit, mind you. These guys are virtually thugged out, with the appropriate knit cap and baggy pants, and mimic much of the behavior of today's youth. It takes the temperament of a young person to deal with the frenetic visuals and energy of this game!If I had a bling gnome, I'd probably be a rich woman, since they dig up gold and such. But I'm sure the bling gnomes are quite scarce in the real world. Meanwhile, there's dungeon runners to fill your bundles and bundles of free time. It’s a free game to download and great for a few minutes here and there. Maybe you are an all-day gamer, so you'd get pretty far in this adventure. Man, computer games have come a long way from Pong and Dig Dug. But they’re still just as fun!

Sponsored by Dungeon Runners

Posted by mary at 1:52 PM EDT
Updated: Tue, Jul 15 2008 10:00 PM EDT
Tue, Jul 1 2008
Bucket List
Mood:  on fire
Topic: random

I want to learn to ride a horse before I die. Okay, I don’t have terminal cancer or anything (knock on wood), but it’s on my to-do list. My ‘bucket list’ if you will. If I think about it too much, I may end up browsing for horse accessories online and wearing denim painted with horses and glitter studded. Can you picture me in cowboy boots and hat? Maybe in a previous life…

I also need to go to Vegas, not just for the gambling but also the shows, like Criss Angel Believe.  Criss Angel is quite the illusionist. Like famous magicians in the past, he uses flare and his personality to his advantage. His new show is at the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas, combining efforts with Cirque du Soleil. Sounds cool. You can win tickets by texting 'believe' to 22122. Or it could be a little honeymoon for us in the fall. Well, R and I are already planning a trip out to Seattle in early 2009, to kinda scope out moving possibilities.

One last thing on the bucket list – have a big family. Having Ishmael in our lives has been so awesome. I’m so glad I went to exercise this afternoon. I feel like I’m making progress toward my weight loss goal, which will bring me closer to trying to get pregnant again. Well, not for at least 6 more months.

What's on your bucket list?

Sponsored by CRISS ANGEL Believe

Posted by mary at 7:09 PM EDT

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