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A Room of Her Own
Fri, Jul 4 2008
Bling Baby
Mood:  lazy
Topic: random









(These are my attempts at capturing the inner bling gnome!)

I admit to wasting plenty of time on computer games. I'm not talking about playstation or nintendo wii. Though, I've spent hours playing Super Mario Bros in my day. It all started with the ancient Commodore 64 we used to have. We soon upgraded to an Intellivision machine. Our first family computer was the Tandy 1000. Man, the hours I spent on there! I really shouldn’t pay for online games, though, because I go through phases where I play them all day and then forget about them. It’s so cool that so many games have free downloads and free game play online. Sometimes the games are limited unless you pay, but I either lose interest or I fork over ten or twenty dollars.

I stumbled upon dungeonrunners.com, a new MMO game, and their Bling Gnome. The graphics are interesting and the game itself action packed. The weird little bling gnome says three “hip hop” phrases – word, your mama, and yeah, boy – and finds gold that will help you in the game. The bling gnomes obviously are adorned with various "bling" items - gold teeth, assorted jewelry, and more. They are not the gnomes from Tolkein's The Hobbit, mind you. These guys are virtually thugged out, with the appropriate knit cap and baggy pants, and mimic much of the behavior of today's youth. It takes the temperament of a young person to deal with the frenetic visuals and energy of this game!If I had a bling gnome, I'd probably be a rich woman, since they dig up gold and such. But I'm sure the bling gnomes are quite scarce in the real world. Meanwhile, there's dungeon runners to fill your bundles and bundles of free time. It’s a free game to download and great for a few minutes here and there. Maybe you are an all-day gamer, so you'd get pretty far in this adventure. Man, computer games have come a long way from Pong and Dig Dug. But they’re still just as fun!

Sponsored by Dungeon Runners

Posted by mary at 1:52 PM EDT
Updated: Tue, Jul 15 2008 10:00 PM EDT

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