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A Room of Her Own
Tue, Jul 29 2008
Web Savvy
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: work

I'm glad I took 2 computer classes when I was in college. We learned basic html, because back then you needed it to build your own website. But the things people can do on the internet nowadays is just amazing. Even back then, we would just copy and paste javascript, since our professor thought it was just too complicated for us to do from scratch. You would probably need Cisco certification to design sites and compete with other IT professionals. Careers in this field definitely pay adequately, too, as one of my college friends can attest. Her fiance does something with computers and he'll be able to support her while she finishes her PhD. She could also be a stay at home mom no problem. Sigh.

I'm lucky I even took a typing class when I was in the 6th grade. Computers, at least the ones at school, were so simple, I remember playing a game where you actually typed out directions to the player, like "walk left." Oregon Trail, which always took forever to load, was an amazing graphic adventure at that time. My students don't know how to type unless they learn by playing a game online. I can't wait to see the office personnel of the future, typing out memos with one finger, writing in a sort of hybrid text messaging/misspelled language, and talking on their cell phones at the same time.

I always thought my brother should go into computers, but really, he's just into gadgets. He always has to have the latest gadgets, whether it's a flat-screen plasma tv, the newest Iphone, or the fastest laptop. He's not into programming or software design. I do always tell my students that they could translate their drawing skills and love of video games into a career. It could happen.

Sponsored by Cisco

Posted by mary at 6:43 PM EDT
Updated: Tue, Jul 29 2008 6:44 PM EDT
88 Tofu House
Mood:  hungry
Topic: health

Towards our weight loss goal and looking for good eats, we ate at one of R's favorite restaurants, called 88 Tofu House. It's one of the best Korean restaurants in town, serving simple, delicious, and real Korean food. No fancy sauces or processed flavors here. Just wholesome tastiness. Don't let the restaurant's name fool you. It's not exactly vegetarian. There are really only a few veggie options, while most of the soups have beef, pork, or seafood. Eating Korean food is just good for my soul. It's good for the waistline too, since you have to drink so much water after eating the spicy food.

Here's a photo of R, looking good, and the spread we got. Of course I felt like a nerdy tourist using my camera at the restaurant.








Oh, the kimchi was too good. And here's Rahim's favorite part, especially eating the eyeball. At least he didn't eat the brains.

Posted by mary at 5:53 PM EDT
Updated: Tue, Jul 29 2008 6:26 PM EDT
Bill IQ
Mood:  not sure
Topic: money

I've watched a few programs lately, from the news to talk shows, that discuss the current situation with the economy. It's helpful to hear stories about other people in debt, so that I don't feel so alone and stupid. Does that make sense? There was a news program or something that talked about how young people, from their 20s to 30s, are weighted down with student loans. I actually don't have as much as I could, considering all the scholarships I got, but the monthly payments are a bit crazy. I don't see any debt relief anytime soon.

So, I bounced over to this website that measures your "bill IQ." I don't think I'm such a dummy about money, it's just that I've made poor choices, had bad luck, and can't necessarily dig myself out right now. The website also has some good information about debt help I didn't know about credit scores and credit reports. After answering some easy questions, I got to the score. I was surprised that it was a 72% or a C. I feel like it's an F. But I guess, it could be worse. I haven't filed for bankruptcy and I have a stable career. Although my debt is a bit over 10K, it's not insurmountable. With R's help, perhaps debt consolidation, I should be able to dig myself out.

What's your Bill IQ?

Sponsored by Bills.com


Posted by mary at 5:43 PM EDT
Updated: Tue, Jul 29 2008 5:45 PM EDT
What You Are Like
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: Radiohead - Kid A
Topic: fiction
You are like a house. You hardly know the stones in the yard. The living tendrils of your urban garden, full of cacti and pebbles. You don't notice the small hills and inclines around you. That you are standing on a slight grade, with a tilted world view.

You are like a house. Each room full of its own joys, comforts, raised and quiet voices. Floorboards creaking and feet padding along thick carpets. You are full of walls, cluttered and watchful. They are solid, unpenetrable.

Somedays you seem scarred by rainstorms, the red clay stains and fallen shutters. Sometimes you are overgrown, lazy, and hidden. You have the windows closed and the curtains drawn.

I am knocking and knocking.

Posted by mary at 4:23 PM EDT
Wed, Jul 23 2008
Letting Down My Hair
Mood:  party time!
Topic: random

Next week, I'll be going to the spa, to get the manicure, pedicure, and 1 hour massage Rahim purchased for me. I'm also going to get my hair done, I think. A whole make-over, relaxation day. Add a little lip gloss, Extreme Style by VO5, and some new work clothes I recently purchased, and I'll be hot to trot. I'll know if I have 'Victory Hair,' if my students say I look gangsta. That's the compliment du jour. Back to school, baby! Victory hair is also what happens after a nice "roll in the hay," with my favorite squeeze. You know it's love when a man thinks you're sexy after seeing you in the morning, your hair mussed, your face with pillowcase impressions.

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Steps for achieving Victory Hair:
1. Meet your appointed guy/girl/partner.
2. Enjoy a nice meal, and perhaps a trip to the local thrift store/flea market.
3. Make sure the a/c is on, or a fan.
4. Light candles.
5. Make whoopee!
6. Either ten or 60 minutes later, look in the mirror. Straighten hair as necessary.
7. Don't forget to cuddle!

If you've got the hair for the job, you might want to check out V05's Ultimate Flirting Championship. Like maybe you have commercial, toss-your-hair-over-your-shoulder hair. Or maybe you want to show off your new Victory Hair from the first haircut you've gotten in 20 years, like an Oprah episode.

Okay, I'm rambling now. Tired. But not from styling my hair.

Sponsored by Extreme Style by VO5

Posted by mary at 1:21 AM EDT
Updated: Wed, Jul 23 2008 1:26 AM EDT
Up Late
Mood:  energetic
Topic: blogness
Why. Am. I. Still. Blogging? It's very very late, but here I am online. The glow of the computer's screen will probably eat away some brain cells. Must. sleep.

Posted by mary at 1:01 AM EDT
Tue, Jul 22 2008
Spreading Like Mold
Mood:  irritated
Topic: family

We're still on the hunt for a house to rent. Of course, we don't want to live in a house with lots of water damage or mold. Unfortunately, a lot of the foreclosures my MIL has been looking at have that issue. Whatever disaster has struck these home owners, that leave them unable to keep up with their homes, is quite sad. Whether it's a matter of fire restoration or repairing water damage, I still believe most houses are worth the investment. I also wish my MIL was more willing to invest in a home with some of these issues, when the house has a good shell or foundation. I know that she would be able to find a good company out there to do the restoration. Some companies, like Water Restoration 911, will respond 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, so she can feel assured that Baba will live in a safe environment. We could be living in the new house by the time she finds the "perfect" one.

You know the saying about lemonade. I think it might apply to this situaiton.


Posted by mary at 11:38 PM EDT
Updated: Mon, Aug 18 2008 11:02 PM EDT
Back Pain
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: health
R had a back spasm of sorts, so he's out of commision tonight and probably tomorrow too. Poor baby. Now I've got two of them to take care of.

Posted by mary at 11:29 PM EDT
Swollen Feet
Mood:  spacey
Topic: health
When I was pregnant, I dealt with a lot of swelling, especially in my feet and legs. Mainly it was because I was going to develop pre-eclampsia and dealing with blood pressure issues. I used TED support stockings to help, along with a lot of rest and drinking plenty of fluids. One of my coworkers that is pregnant now is 7 months along and already has what I have assessed (not being a nurse) as +1 pitting on her legs and ankles. She brushed it off, the way I did when I was pregnant with Elijah, which scares me. I hope she's checking in with her doctor and taking extra precautions.

Posted by mary at 11:24 PM EDT
Mood:  surprised
Topic: health

Hurricane Dolly hasn't even made landfall yet (as of this post), but the weather is already hitting us landlocked Atlantans. My county has issued a water alert - boil it, don't drink it or brush your teeth with it. Doh. I guess we'll be hitting the Kroger with our morning breath and stinky butts tomorrow. Unless they lift the water restrictions by then.

Posted by mary at 11:09 PM EDT

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