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A Room of Her Own
Tue, Jul 15 2008
Personal Security
Mood:  not sure
Topic: random

Ever since the ‘non-happening,’ I’ve been paranoid about personal security. I’ve reconsidered beeping my horn at folks, taking a kind of “turn the other cheek” approach instead. Maybe I’ve been abusing my car horn. Now, in that situation, I was in the right, but as I’ve learned over the years and Rahim is quick to remind me, “right” doesn’t count for much in the real world.

So, should I be looking into where to buy mace and pepper spray? I used to carry pepper spray whenever I went walking, but that was before we had dogs. As if my little chi babies would protect me from the rapist behind the bushes or the loose pit bull. I met a girl once who was mauled by a big dog, I think a pit bull. They get an unfair rap, so I don’t want to assume, just because I can’t remember. It could have been a Labrador for all I know. Anyway, he tore a big chunk out of her leg, and she was just jogging by. He was on a leash but the woman walking him couldn’t contain or control him.

In the babysitter’s neighborhood, I often see women walking around with sticks. Actually, they all carry sticks. It’s mostly for the loose and stray dogs, but that says something about the neighborhood too. Why so many mean dogs getting loose? But then again, Rahim has encountered a few loose (aggressive, not mean) dogs in our neighborhood too. My dogs will bark, but if you put your hand down to pet them and say something nice to them, they’ll generally wag their tales and jump up on your legs to be petted. My landlord actually chucked his shoe at them once and I was on the verge of throwing one back at him. The nerve! Another reason to move.

But I digress. Nowadays, you don’t even have to carry a stick. You can carry something like “covert” pepper spray that comes in a ring – yes, jewelry – that can shoot your would-be assailant. I really like that idea. Does pepper spray work on a dog? I wonder.

Posted by mary at 2:13 PM EDT

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