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A Room of Her Own
Wed, Jul 9 2008
A Non-Happening
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: random

I was taking a shortcut through our old neighborhood after stopping at Sprawlmart, winding my way through the small streets of our quiet neighborhood. On one of the one-way, tiny streets bordering a small green space, a car pulled out from a driveway right in front of me. The driver was on his cell phone and hardly glanced my way before turning. I tapped my horn and not even half a beep sounded.  At the end of the street, he was poised to turn one way and I was poised to turn the other.

Then a funny thing happened. I turned and he was behind me. I turned a block later and so did he. I continued down my dead end street, considering my options. I should have turned into a roundabout, to evade the stalker, but ended up driving to my apartment complex. I didn't park in my usual spot, but parked where there were cars on either side. The stalker parked a couple spots over. I waited. He waited. Time passed.

I couldn't just go on sitting there forever, so I backed up and reparked closer to my door. I waited again, feeling a surge of motherly instincts. Was I just being paranoid? I watched for any movement in the other car. The man appeared to still be on his cell phone.  Another minute passed and he disappeared as quickly as he came.

Now, you don't have to have glasses from zennioptical.com to see this as odd behavior. You never know these days. I regret having even driven close to my house; I should have driven to the always teeming restaurants just two blocks away. Rahim is always warning me about strangers hiding behind bushes. Have his random daydreams rubbed off on me?

Well, I have a trunk full from Sprawlmart - baby formula, toilet paper, ice tea - but I'm going to wait for my husband to come home.

Posted by mary at 6:54 PM EDT
Updated: Wed, Jul 9 2008 10:09 PM EDT

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