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A Room of Her Own
Fri, Jun 27 2008
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: random

I couldn't help but do this quiz when I saw it. Of course, I had to skip through like a hundred (only slight exaggeration) ads and bogus free offers to get my results. I just had to know.

You Are - "Baby, One More Time" Britney

Innocent, young, and oh so sweet. "Baby, One More Time" was Britney at her most innocent. How're you like this Britney? Well, you come off just as shy and sugar sweet as she did back in the day. Now all you need is a cutesy school girl outfit and you'll be all set! (And don't forget the pigtails!)

Which Britney Spears are You Quiz

Posted by mary at 6:46 PM EDT
Updated: Sat, Jun 28 2008 8:58 PM EDT
Moving Up
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: family

Okay, now the MIL wants us to buy a house. I guess the foreclosure hunt has lasted longer than she thought, with mold being a recurring theme. She called me about a lease-option house in her neighborhood for about $150/month more than our comfort limit, saying it was negotiable. First, if we're just barely scraping by where we live, how are we going to afford 40% more? Second, how do I break it to her that R may go to law school out of state? Like Seattle or Portland or California? Well, I will leave R to tell her!

In the meantime, I could be making some pocket money selling some stuff on craigslist, particularly the cradle swing that Baba's grown out of and the baby carrier that we never used. I wonder if my brother would let me help him sell his furniture. He's got some Living Room furniture, Bedroom furniture, and a reclining sectional. And then there's the refrigerator, the big screen TV, a variety of large kitchen gadgets (e.g. chicken rotisserie thing) and exercise machines. Maybe I could get a percent of the sales, for my help in selling them - since he's really not living in his house anymore. Wouldn't that be nice of me?

Posted by mary at 6:10 PM EDT
Work Sucks
Mood:  irritated
Topic: random

Is that too obvious? I shouldn't complain too much, since at least half of my day is spent online or reading (if I wanted to). But it's the other half that's a big pain. Dealing with my coworkers. The head organizer for the camp is doing an excellent job dealing with the sheer number of kids, schedules, the free food program, and over a dozen field trips.

But. In terms of leadership of the staff, she definitely takes a more passive (and thus, passive agressive) attitude. Instead of just having a staff meeting or asking for things outright, she types up memos and staff notes. So instead of just verbally sharing with us that we're going on a field trip the next day, she'll just put in the memo, "Make sure you look over the calendar in the staff room." Well, if I had a minute to actually stand in the staff office, I might. As it is, I'm usually in the cafeteria helping out or in the art room on the opposite side of the building. But, you, dear leader, sit in that office all day, doing whatever you do.

Today, there was a whole packet of notes. Obvious stuff - supervise kids, help with breakfast and lunch, etc. She had gone to the extent of planning out the order groups could sign up for "free choice" in the afternoons! All I'm asking for is a few extra minutes to set up the arts & crafts room in the morning, especially since I am planning projects for them and not just giving them coloring sheets. I guess I just get the feeling she doesn't like me very much (or maybe that's just because I dislike her a bit). I feel like she finally communicated clearly (her expectations, daily schedule) - only it's about 2 weeks late.

Posted by mary at 1:45 PM EDT
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: random

I have daydreams about driving a different car. On my way to work or zipping chugging around town, whenever I see smaller cars, even the most boring sedans and coups, I'm envious. Some of the cars are obviously impractical at this point, like a 2-door or a convertible. My favorite cars of all time are primarily Volkswagens - Karmann Ghia, the vintage Beetle, Cabriolet, and Golf.

The VW Golf is my recent fave, since it seems modest yet stylish. Fuel efficiency is on everyone's mind these days too. The minivan must know that gas prices are high and has decided to guzzle gas even faster. Even an oil change for the evil thing is closer to $50, while you can buy a Beetle engine for like $200! Man, did they know how to make those things or what?!

Posted by mary at 12:09 AM EDT
Thu, Jun 26 2008
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: random
To be honest, financial woes hung like a cloud over our weekend. Maternity leave really affected my paycheck. You might remember me writing about it before. So I had to dip into our savings, which we’re lucky to even have at this point.

If this were just a few months ago, I would be scrambling to cash in coins, call my dad and possibly get a loan.  I'm guessing in this economy, it's not so rare to have cash flow issues. In the extreme, I could sell my car title or list my services on craigslist. Okay, that’s a bit of a stretch, but the situation would have to be quite bleak. As it is, things are okay. I’ll get paid in about a week, and other than gas, I have very few expenses.

Creative solutions to our financial problems: Um, blogging! Eating fantastic meals at home! We do like to eat out, so it’s something we need to wean ourselves from. Shopping at the farmer’s market, which is good all around. Eating ramen. That’s what R does. I’ll only eat it if we have kimchi in the house. Drinking tap water – though R is quite the water snob. In a pinch, we can use our neighbor’s wifi or go to the coffeeshop down the street. But it’s not the best solution for two internet addicts. And like I mentioned before, we’re going to soon park the van and drive our other cars that are more fuel efficient. As well, selling the van is a top priority. I will be meeting with my brother tomorrow to get his signature on the title. I’ll know Wednesday afternoon if I can get the title transferred or not. But will anyone be willing to buy a minivan in this economy?

How is the economy affecting you?

Posted by mary at 11:27 PM EDT
Iron and Wood
Mood:  irritated
Topic: random

My brother joined the golf club when he was in high school. Of course, I would tag along when he went to practice on the weekends and learned how to play (a little). My brother’s left-handed though, with left-handed clubs. I had to learn to play left-handed too! Ha ha! I still like the game, and even dragged R out to a driving range last month. It was a lot of fun, even though we didn’t hit them too far. R’s strategy is just to hit them hard, but I know there’s a lot more strategy involved. Maybe Baba will grow up to be the next Tiger Woods, playing in the best golf courses, elbowing with celebs at Las Vegas golf tee times – which I’m sure lots of parents are thinking about their kids! But when they’re this little, you wish them the whole world.

Posted by mary at 11:19 PM EDT
House Hustle
Mood:  amorous
Topic: family
Maybe while R is practicing real estate law (a possibility), I could be a practicing realtor. Believe me, teachers are always looking for that 2nd or 3rd career. Lots of teachers sell Mary Kay or Avon on the side. One teacher at my school even sells Southern Living catalog stuff. I don’t even know what that is. It’s not like you’d have to get an accredited degree to be a realtor, either. Many organizations and colleges offer classes at convenient times and prices.

I wondered for a while if being a realtor would even be worthwhile with the housing market the way it is. But a lot of articles on the web definitely suggests otherwise. My MIL’s realtor is clear evidence himself. He stays busy and drives a nice Mercedes. Times must not be that bad. He’s actually making closings all the time, which usually keeps him from showing my MIL all the houses she wants to see. My MIL might want to look into some information designed to help understand the advantages and disadvantages of real estate investment.

While I was talking with my brother this afternoon, I thought about the possibility of being a stay-at-home mom while R is in law school. We might be moving out of state, and who knows if I’ll be able to find a suitable teaching job. Hmmm. It’s more likely that I’ll be working, just as hard as R will be hitting those law books.

Posted by mary at 10:45 PM EDT
Moon over Miami
Mood:  down
Topic: random

It's called Honeymooner's cystitis. Basically a bladder infection after you've been busy getting busy. R and I are not on our honeymoon and we're not newlyweds. Neither does R need to buy Viagra. I guess we're just horny. I blame it on summer and the spermicide-lubricated condoms (which supposedly increase the risk).

R's my own personal online pharmacy, bringing me my own safe online prescriptions, some antibiotics that should clear it right up. Who needs an edrugstore when your husband works at a hospital? Three more days and I'll be feeling much better. But if this is the price of sex, I think I might pass for a while.

Posted by mary at 10:33 PM EDT
Easy Being Green
Mood:  happy
Topic: random

I also snagged this from A Bird's Life. She's doing some cool things over there! I think I could have done better if I didn't use the A/C as much and if I unplugged some electronic stuff in my apartment. It should have asked me about those compact fluorescent light bulbs! We use those!

Your Life is 72% Green
You live a very green life, and you're aware of how your actions help the earth.
Of course, it's hard to be totally green. But when you make a tradeoff, you know why you're making it.

Posted by mary at 12:47 PM EDT
Down Time
Mood:  special
Topic: random

Two of the essential websites I troll were down last night. I mean, I checked them about 100 times, but they were completely out. Of course, I thought our DSL was out, since we are always behind on that bill. Or that Google or Internet Explorer were trying to keep me from makin' some money!

I'll admit to being a web troll these days.  Looking at sites like Top10Webhosting.com and Techcrunch.  I have started to read other random peoples' blogs too, just not a lot of techie ones. I've just started reading up on the "blogosphere" or even optimizing the resources that are out there. Doh.

It gave me time, though, to hold and cuddle more with Ishmael, before he conked out for the night. He is such a good baby. He ate a whole jar of sweet potatoes and half a container of applesauce, then drank 3/4 of his bottle. Then he was out for the night. In the evenings, at least this week, he's been going to sleep fairly easily after eating. It's good in a way, but we also can't interact with him as much. I had to send his new sippy cup with him to daycare so he could practice using it. He doesn't even have time to practice at home, except on weekends.

After Ishmael went to bed, I had time to play with the dogs. At one point, I was play fighting with Ernesto, where I made growling noises and tried to "play-bite" his nose. He went nuts. He would run around the room super fast, panting, and Muddy would growl and try to bite Ernesto's nuts. They would both lick my face like crazy, Muddy going so far as licking the inside of one nostril and biting my nose. Hilarious!

So yeah, I could live without the internet.

Posted by mary at 10:53 AM EDT
Updated: Thu, Jun 26 2008 11:08 AM EDT

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