
Topic: family
This pregnancy has been different in so many ways. R and I definitely worry less. The last time, we weren't even sure we could carry to term without an emergency. Being on heparin really made the difference, along with very very close monitoring, since I did eventually develop preeclampsia at 36 weeks and was induced at 37 weeks. I'm hoping with this pregnancy that we can delay bedrest and avoid an induction. Just a wild fantasy, I suppose. Insh'Allah. I just started using a fetal monitor at home, too, which we also used last time. It just gives us a little peace of mind, especially now that the doctor's appointments are still once a month. The morning sickness has been a little worse, but it's nothing compared to what it'll probably be in the 3rd trimester. Sleeping has already started to be uncomfortable and I hope I won't have to sleep upright any time soon.
Just in the last two weeks, I've started to feel the little chickpea kick and move around. I had forgotten what that was like. Amazing and really cool. We have our next ultrasound tomorrow - a little peek into the womb room - and we hope to find out the baby's sex. And just hope that everything is alright and on track. We're halfway there!